What is RAHA Open Media?

  • "RAHA" means freedom.

  • ROM started as RAHA Open Acces (ROA), an open-source, publicly-supported database of revision resources.

  • Due to the success of ROA, we decided to launch RAHA Open Media, which encompasses all types of media that are created for free, forever.

How Can You Help?

You can contribute to RAHA Open Access

  • If you believe in open access to education and information please consider getting involved:

  • If you are a current student or teacher, please use your academic email for verification when sharing your notes

  • Please provide evidence that your grades are B or above (or an equivalent of that) if you are a student

  • Share the notes as scanned pdfs to hello@rahaopenmedia.org

  • Please do not share notes from publishers or notes that contains copy-righted content.

  • ROA doesn't support plagiarism.

  • Your notes can come from any topic at any level, and can come from any exam board or specification, just specify it in the email!

  • You may request to be given credit for any contributions you've made, this could look good on your CV!

ROM's Philosophy

  • ROM is built upon the idea of open access to information.

  • With this in mind, all of its current and future resources or services will be free, forever.